
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CarrierService
Physical Name : CO_CRR_SV

Retailer defined list of transport services offered by different carriers. The code values vary by Carrier.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
CarrierServiceID (PK) Token identifier for a CarrierService instance ID_CRR_SV Identity integer
ServiceCode Designates a category of transportation-related service provided by a carrier. Example include: - COLLECT_SIGNATURE - INSURED_DELIVERY etc, Th specific values will vary by carrier. CD_SV Code varchar(20)
Description A short description of the ServiceCode value for reporting purposes DE_DSCR DescriptionShort varchar(255)
CarrierID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Carrier. ID_CRR Identity integer Carrier(PA_CRR)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Carrier provides CarrierService
CarrierService specifies CustomerDeliveryInstruction
CarrierService specifies CustomerOrderShipment

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